>>87036938Im just gonna say it, take all the screenshots you want.
Nina is as fickle as ever even in her new form, nothing has changed with her, the way she canceled streams and acted, same shit, same focus on negative shit, the problem is and always will be her.
And Mika was queen giga leech, she attached herself to EN and let that tit go, she turned that into a lucrative career with vshojo, I will give her props for being smart, but I'll still judge the fuck out of her for leeching from far more popular people, like honest to god, I cannot think of a more worthless addition to any vtuber company than fucking Mika.
And beyond that? These 2 where special cases, same with Selen's explosive exit and Pomu being so popular, everyone leaving has less and less to gain and don't think for a moment that Kunai's numbers will hold, people tuned in expecting drama, they didn't get it, she'll have more viewers than she did but she'll stay at 4 view status, nevermind all the logistics of purely going indie, assuming you want to provide for your fans with merch and shit, that's another can of worms that most aren't prepared for, or can afford.
In conclusion, fuck you and stop graduating begging you fucking faggot.