Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink catto.
>Channel>X>Last Stream:>【Cult of the Lamb】WORLD DOMINATION STARTS TODAY!【#1】[YouTube] 【Cult of the Lamb】WORLD DOMINATION STARTS TODAY!【#1】 (embed)
>Next Stream:> ArtTBA
>Original songs>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】[YouTube] 【MV】ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】 (embed)
>Covers>HIBANA / ヒバナ - Raora Panthera[YouTube] 【COVER】HIBANA / ヒバナ - Raora Panthera (embed)
>Debut and Lore[YouTube] I see you! #holoJustice (embed)
[YouTube] 【DEBUT】I've got my eyes on you mamma mia #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice (embed)
>Merch>Fanarts>Poll to decide subject>Previous thread:>>79038298