This is ill advised but I've already selfposted on /wvt/ so why not. If I'm going to self shill on this mongolian basket weaving forum in a new thread, I might as well go all in with it.
>Twitter>YouTube>Twitch>Stream Archive (unlisted video playlist so it doesn't clog my YT channel)
>ContentStreams mostly focusing on Western RPG, Guild Wars 2 and Action Adventures, supplemented by in-stream skits and weekly CURATED content on YouTube (handcam vids, skits, etc). Competitive Pokemon autist (but waiting for S/V), occasional pc tech streams (usually keynote watchalongs + analysis).
>Why watch?I'd like to think I'm pretty chatty, articulate and engaging to watch. I don't consider myself genki but people have said that I have a very positive and energetic aura. Not especially seiso but I try to avoid low hanging fruit sexual humour. I am /australian/ for all that implies about my accent, humour, etc. I really enjoy working on small comedic or musical skits and integrating them into my streams. They don't happen all the time but playacting out funny scenarios or characters is half the reason I became a vtuber so I do enjoy when it comes together. I also do have channel point rewards for small skits/scenarios to record for (you) that I play next stream. I think the last time someone redeemed it I recorded a rendition of Yakko's World from Animaniacs (it is an expensive redeem).
>You're NGMI because of X and Y!I am acutely aware that I'm NGMI and that's fine. I don't need to make a career out of this, I already have a stable one. It's about blowing off some steam and working on fun small creative projects. I'm sure once I run out of things I want to do, the lack of numbers/community will trigger my malehera and I will quit. But that day is still quite far off. The reason I'm shilling today instead of just lurking/anonposting like usual is because I made something today. I'm really happy with how quickly I put it all together and want to share it with as many people as possible: