>>81082315>Don't we need to be better at the game then/vt/ is doing just fine.
divegrass isn't really a linear sport where you get good and stay good forever, you can be in an elite final in winter and then find yourself missing out of baby knockouts in autumn because pes gonna pes. that is how fast things can change.
/vt/ is called "the new /mlp/" not because they win, but because they draw very strongly and have interest in the game (and have the reputation in 4cc of having a cancerous fanbase).
4cc has a bad habit of trying to type cast teams into "heel" and "face" roles. The forced push of mega heel /u/ is a prime example. That is X-Pac heat. They tried to prop them up as being the new big heel, and it was a wet fart nobody cared.
>>81082271well, maybe /vt/ needs an actual roster page explaining the players. I just checked and I didn't realize there isn't one, so it is a bit unfair to jump on commentators for not knowing players backstory when they have no source material. not that I think it will matter that much, but it is us giving the effort and giving them the material to work with.