>>87429504there's some truth to this, the people at the top largely got there by luck, being in the right place at the right time, and connections. You're going to find very very few successful streamers that aren't connected to others, networking and just generally making friends/being approachable puts you at a massive advantage, and because it comes naturally to a lot of the bigger creators they kinda gloss over it in these "guides".
THAT SAID you still need to have a baseline level of skill, all the nepotism in the world can't help you if you're not being entertaining and you don't regularly stream, and a lot of guides like this DO cover those basics + a lot of tips on how to improve your odds and skills, so it's not completely useless or anything.
>>87425559not understanding the content they're making, or not making any effort to make the kind of content they want to see. generally it's women getting into vtubing because it's the new thing without knowing any of the background/culture, or dudes getting into it without regularly watching any males and not really understanding what people want out of their content.
Having a gimmick or hook, even if just a small part of your content, helps a lot too.
Several mid-sized streamers watch this thread and/or the people in it, they notice the outliers and want to help them out, if you're making content that stands out it has a decent chance of getting noticed.