Quoted By:
If Watchama does a Japanese only delivery, my dick is going to leak.
A charity stream really has a foreign feel to it.
So this is Hololive actually 'contributing to society', huh? (Context: Yagoo talked about the company contributing to society in an interview, something which has been mocked pretty hard)
>ワトちゃまなんでチャリティー配信? 聖人なのか?なんかの企画?
Why is Watchama doing a charity stream? Is she a saint? Or is this some kind of partnership?
There really should have been a press release about how Watchama is going to be doing a charity stream.
>ワトソンTwitterで枠の宣伝もしてないしYouTubeチャンネルからも飛べなかったからわざわばameliveのタグから飛んだわ アンスレ見てなかったら気づかなかったと思う
Watson hasn't said anything about it on her Twitter and the video isn't showing up on her youtube channel, so I had to find it through her amelive tag. I wouldn't have even known this was happening if it wasn't for the thread.
Watchama really feels like the #1 streamer in EN.
(Context: Someone brought up how Japanese tax laws works in relation to charities which would make a stream like this difficult for HoloJP members, which lead to people shitting on Japan in general)
>お前ら日本で生まれて育ってなんで日本を悪く言えるの? 恥ずかしくないの?
You guys were born and raised in Japan, how can you speak ill of it? Aren't you embarassed?
>I've never met a single person I could ever describe as a role model.
>It's the opposite. Anyone who was born and raised in Japan that doesn't think it's shit is the weird one.
>You weren't born in Japan, were you? This place is fucking weird.
>I like Japan, I just don't like the LDP's Japan.
>What I think about Japan and what I think about Japan's government are two different things.
>ワトちゃまゴール低すぎ 300万ドルでPS5とアーケードでグラディウスVI制作とかにしろ
Watchama's goal is too low. She should set a goal of 3 million and make the reward putting Gradius VI in development for the PS5
>ENマジで有能だな カバーはどうやってこんな人材とれたんだ
EN is seriously amazing, how the hell did Cover find them?
Watchama's stream is ending after 3 minutes, thanks for coming.
Watchama's charity goal is achieved...
I'm really impressed with all the charity.