>>18106528I've tried all kinds of self-improvement, socializing, joining online meetups, all manners of healthy lifestyles and grooming. I actually know how to socialize fairly well, I can get along with most people I meet within a few minutes of meeting them. It's gotten to the point where it's just not fucking happening at all, guess I missed the boat. Women let me know they have a boyfriend within five minutes of talking to me, completely unprompted. I don't ask them out, I don't even have any ulterior intentions talking to them, I just talk to them like people and they just absolutely have to slip it in. There are no women to meet anymore in my day to day life, not at my job or my hobbyist meetups. The ones I meet are either unavailable or not interested at all. To be fair, I'm bouncing back from a serious depressive slump that up and ruined my life for a bit. The grind is slow, but I've lost about 18 pounds since I started getting better. Point is that I wouldn't date my fat ass either right now, my expectations are at an all time low and I'm only bettering myself for me now. Still, even when I looked the best I ever did my prospects were never really all that great.