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A little bit late but, I do not really mind the namedropping, but I do agree with keeping such posts to the minimum. I don't really post much since I'm more used at lurking but the recent threads are starting to get more and more off-topic while being really fast compared to before avarice posting, and two new joining happened.
I'm saying this because while I do enjoy such posts. I'm also sure that some people wouldn't get what is happening and might get filtered by it instead. I do know some people that used to visit the threads for some market numbers but have stopped coming here since they didn't want to read through huge amounts of off-topic/spoilered posts just to find numbers that would help them.
In all honesty, I would say posting in the floor or creating a group dedicated only to /nasfaqg/ players or players that are close with each others would be a better option than posting here in the threads trying to guess who the poster is, or talking with each other through the threads while knowing who they are talking with while announcing who they are while posting. I'm not saying to create a /nasfaqg/ discord but just create a group for people that are really close with each other to contain those posts.
Thank you for reading this long post if you did.