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Not sure if I should continue trying, with what just happened recently.
Decided to have a very special stream where I would cook and eat some horrifically hot Korean ramen.
I thought it was a pretty funny stream, outside of one big problem.
There was literally nobody in the chat.
I couldn't even make it a YouTube highlight because of how sad it is to see nothing in the chat overlay except for Sery Bot saying that ads have started/ended.
I'm looking at myself doing as much as I can to get a good stream going along with promotion, for a LONG time, yet absolutely fucking nothing happens.
It upset me to the point where I'm starting to view myself as a leech on anyone I collab with, and I had a terrible dream where I snapped at all my streamer friends (who are consistently above 0view status) because I felt I was undeserving of them.
Quitting smoking a couple weeks ago definitely didn't help with the offstream mental breakdown either.