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Maria should be banned from group collabs
Seriously, every single time during 5+ people collabs or celebrations etc:
>Everybody is having fun, talking about random shit, including "man humor"
>Maria arrives
>Someone has to sing her intro because muh memes
>"Maria so cute and pure kya"
>The rest of the convo is suddenly Disney Channel tier stuff, nobody even dares to swear
Or more recently:
>Maria arrives, same steps as in the other example
>but this time they try to continue the convo as usual
>she just sits there and giggles when everybody else does
>doesn't say anything, just stares at the screen blankly and tries to understand what's going on
>everybody else is visibly uncomfortable, some of them even drop from the convo or stop making jokes etc.
At this point it's tiresome and I hate seeing every collab ruined by her. Just do your solo shit or 1 on 1 collabs that can be skipped, nobody is asking you to butt into collabs you won't even contribute anything to. You will never be a part of the group, at best you are the mascott of the team, at worst you are that autistic friend everybody accepts but nobody wants to hang out with for real. Even when you say something similar to others it just sounds like a kid parroting elders, not someone making any contribution. Seriously, fuck off already, not even anti, simply tired of her shit in collabs that used to be fun events but are chore to watch nowadays.