/lig/gers live right now -
Shoto (Valorant)
>twitch.tv/shxtouNumi (JC w/ Bao)
>twitch.tv/nihmuneNimu (Minecraft)
>twitch.tv/nimuvtBao (JC w/ Numi - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/baooPika (The Mortuary Assistant)
>twitch.tv/pikameeamanoMomo (The Mortuary Assistant)
>twitch.tv/momoBat (Bomberman 64)
>twitch.tv/batatvideogamesShia (Trombone Champ)
>twitch.tv/shiabunZone (JC)
>twitch.tv/zonesamaMenace (ASMR)
>twitch.tv/malchemillaLeaflit (Gundam Evolution)
>twitch.tv/leaflitMiyune (FF14 - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/miyuneSpite (Yakuza 0 - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/spiteAbigail (Resident Evil 4)
>twitch.tv/prayersfromabigailGrape (Valheim)
>twitch.tv/grapechannEggs (Art)
>twitch.tv/overezeggsNina (Sleeping - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/ninanininMeat (Trombone Champ)
>twitch.tv/meatReiyu (Metal: Hellsinger)
>twitch.tv/reiyuguiguiGrimmi (Yuppie Psycho)
>twitch.tv/grimmivtMint (Super Mario World)
>twitch.tv/mintcastellaShine (Dead By Daylight)
>twitch.tv/shinectGobbie (Gundam Evoltion)
Zen (Gundam Evolution)
>twitch.tv/zentreyaFeels like it's been a long time since we've had a Wednesday this loaded to the gunwales, honestly. We had a lot of streams from a lot of fan favourites, so check out any VODs you might've missed. I'm surprised at the turnout.
Even more surprised that somebody besides Meat is playing that Trombone game!
Sleep tight eurobros and stay beautiful /lig/.