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Here's a list of 4chan approved creepypastas that I also recommend:
The New fish
I'm a search and Rescue officer and I have some stories to tell
How to survive hell
Lost Episodes Can Be Found Again
How to successfully ransom a child
The Forest of a Thousand Legs
Worlds best school psychologist
My grandmother lived under the floorboards
Pale Luna
Tales from a gas station
The strangest security tape I have ever seen
A tall Dog
One in the Oven
Rat King
Every year on my birthday, I receive a letter
Has anyone heard of the lost City Korona?
The first murder on Mars
The girl the universe forgot
The Pancake family
The Harbinger Experiment
Ted the caver
Candle Cove
Feed the Pig
The Third Parent
Room zero
Normal Porn for Normal People
Snuff film
We danced
The Devils Game
Dog's don't talk
Happy Mommy
Would you spend the night in the Yellow Room
Lolita Slave Toy Creepy Pasta
Anansi's Goatman
The woman with the orange
The Portraits
I found a strange chat log on my dead friends computer
If you’re armed and at the Glenmont metro, please shoot me
The Antiguan Giant
We Know You Are Out There
The showers
Bizarre Encounters On a Tour In North Korea
Advice from the end of eternity
Long Fingers
Digital Heaven
The Horror from the Vault
11 miles
All Eighteen lives of Omen, The Cat
Billy Smiley’s Cul-De-Sac
The man who ate ghosts
The Museum of Humanity’s Final War
My wife has been peeking at me from around corners and behind furniture