>>92241057>Ayu and Pillow and happy to have met each other through the VSMP>grateful for each otherPillow enjoyed tako tears, possibly because they taste like takoyaki
>fav Ayu gift is something she mentions liking offhand and someone gets it for her or a nice letter>it's the thought that counts but it has to be a real thought not a last minute thing>Ayu is the type to pretend she wants the same thing a friend wants so she can ask more about it and get if for her friend, in this case a keyboard>more gift talk>if wrapping it is annoying jsut put the present inf a nice bag but do wrap it, that matters>Pillow never told bestie/roomie when her bday was for years and cried when she didnt say happy bday and then felt silly when roomie said she was never given the pillow bday info>Ayu also doenst like to tell people when her bday is>they both have delulu visions about who will give what and get upset when it doesnt happen>A: we're just anxious girlies>P: sorry... we have issues... >A: there's a lot wrong with us>P: this isnt even christmas anymore, just relatable stuff>in conclusion, if you dont know what to get someone, bake/cook them something niceit's just friends hanging out and yapping
it's been 20 minutes already and it's great