Afternoon, /wvt/! It's November 1st, which means it's time for the vtuber choir to start getting ready for holiday plans! I'll link to the tweet thread, but basically, the project has three parts:
1) A large group chorus piece, Carol of the Bells.
2) Several smaller groups singing choral holiday music, of 4-8 members per group. Smaller projects are easier to organize, and less work for the participants, and I'd like to be able to hold a "concert" of sorts as the final result of this. Smaller pieces would make that possible, and give lots of vtubers a chance to shine.
3) A holiday karaoke relay ending in the large piece debut.
I'm trying to get as many vtubers together for this as I can, since the last project came out really well, and I think this would be an excellent project for the holidays. Plus there's just something magical about a big choral sound. So if there are people you think would want to participate that I may not know, please, feel free to encourage them to reach out and join.
If you're a vtuber but have never done anything like this before and are nervous about trying, I'd really encourage you to give it a shot. I'll be teaching everyone their parts, and it's good to step out of your comfort zone and learn new things.