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The facts:
>Amelia has lived most of her life without significant health issues despite occasional tummy hort and aerophagia (self confirmed)
This suggests recent events are environmental. This points us towards her current shithole residence.
>Probably gluten sensitive via Celiac
Celiac flattens the villa causing malabsorption causing tummy hort and weight loss
>Prescribed vitamins
This is a typical doctor prescription when he encounters anemia. Which he will be quick to blame on the Celiac malabsorption
>She lives in a goddamn termite nest, sleeping directly below their breathing tubes "The pest control guy said it was the worst infestation he'd seen." "I was laying in bed staring at the tubes and got really mad"
Termites create a poison called Naphthalene which is also used in moth balls. This poison is absorbed into fat cells. Weight loss will cause the poison to be released into the system killing red blood cells and causing hemolytic anemia.
>Her latest symptoms Heart palpitations and a headache
This is bad, we're starting to see liver damage.
The conclusion is chronic Naphthalene poisoning due to inhaling the poison fumes in her sleep and in general in her apartment. Weight loss due to Celiac is releasing the poison from the fat into her body killing more of her red blood cells causing more anemia and liver damage.
Diagnosis: Hemolytic anemia caused by Naphthalene poisoning exacerbated by malabsorption due to Celiac
Prognosis: She could stabilize at this shitty baseline, or it will worsen until she gets gallstones and starting peeing blood.
Treatment: Leave apartment. Find a way to put on weight despite intestinal issues.