Projection-Gaslight Censorship and Elite Capture of Janitors on 4chan is the extent the Butt Pirates of the Healthcareabbean are willing to go to psyop the 4channer and THE GIRLS into believing they are a "schizo" that dangerous drugs can cure. It is antiwork, it is big pharma advertising in it's lowest most fallen form, it is directly Off Topic, it is the utmost in defiling disrespect and it is fervent insisted by My + repeated ON TOPIC observation posting in regard to forum for Credible and Immediate Underway Swatting Style Threats to the streamer and the Construction of Future Attempts as per cheap generic Rules For Radicals communist playbook.
Because this janitor on /vt/ has been repeatedly screenshot documented overstepping his bounds assisting in this infamous tactic, and the slow Pavlovian Conditioning to SLOWLY drag reputations and livelihoods through the mud as Verified Concerted Conspiracy in component to the first purpose of Twitter.
This censorship is stopped with the simple use of perfect spoken English before it can worm through 4chan, Anime and quality. That's what I love about Nyan's first design. It is the raw of the origins of the spirit of this struggle from out of vicious gaslight while completely surrounded alone, contending and enduring. Descending in to Twitter and back again. We raise up her name in the Valhalla Hall of Fame.
The first design is perfect for Nyan because it continues to secure her dragonslayer life amazingly.