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Got distracted and forgot to post it. Oops.
Raping Noctyx boys!
Note: I'll amend this if I see something that changes my opinion, this is still early days and I haven't caught up on all the vods yet.
Incredibly difficult to rape. Not afraid to fight tooth and claw, but also not too ashamed to call out for help. Older and stronger. Would need usage of drugs and heavy restraints to keep him down. Doesn't cum. Would report to the police the moment he was coherent enough to do so, and confides in his friends. Doesn't blame himself, but is deeply upset by it. Would have to be a calculated attack - you'd have to go in with the intention of raping him and a setup to do so.
Protests, but gets so scared that his voice trails off quieter and quieter until he's silent. Struggles and squirms but eventually locks up from fear alone. Needs some restraining, particularly the wrists - once you tie them up, he'll resign himself to whatever happens next. Tries to tough out the experience but is visibly scared the entire time. Refuses to make eye contact. Cums against his will and is secretly miserable about it for weeks. Never tells anyone because he thinks it'd make him look uncool. Doesn't file a police report. Develops a weird relationship with the experience months after it occurs and secretly begins to fetishize rape.
Blackout drinking makes him easy to take advantage of as a random target. Needs restraining in some form, or he'll maul you if he has any semblance of consciousness. Doesn't cum. Doesn't get pregnant because he has an IUD. Tries to wipe the incident from his memory after filing a police report, but never goes to that club again. Doesn't tell his friends. Would get some form of impulsive revenge given half an opportunity; he's not a violent person, but he'd feel you deserve any suffering you get after that.
Protests softly but is stunned by the situation, rabbit in headlights style. Doesn't need restraining. Sobs quietly the entire time, and asks you why him. Might try to push you off initially, but easily overpowered. If he gets too uppity, slap him to shut him up again. Cums unexpectedly and against his will, which almost upsets him more than the actual rape. Swears at you with a wobbly voice, gags if you kiss him. Confides in friends but doesn't report it.
Doesn't need restraining at all. Is more surprised than anything, especially when his body starts reacting in a different way than his emotions are. Pleasure him enough and he'll stop physically fighting back, although he'll still groan "no" and "stop"; easily intoxicated by pleasure, especially if you're female. By the end he's actually enjoying it somewhat. Lets himself cum with a dizzy grin on his face, even though he's still moaning "no" over and over. Hold him by the waist and he's done for. Gets a bizarre thrill from the whole experience, and afterwards gets into the habit of putting himself in situations where he can be taken advantage of.