>>79371634People will give the straightest and simplest advice because usually lot of folks who cant make it DO lack it. Taking care of yourself is necessary but not sufficient condition to attract women, Its really just the first step. And frankly there are total greaseballs out there who can land some pretty cute girls still with their retard charisma.
I'll go on, even going out a lot won't mean it will happen. I have made a pretty determined decision at the beginning of college to be social and outgoing, I gained lot of friends, theres no weekends when I'm not invited or can't ring up some people to go out. I seriously thought as a freshmen that the rest is just law of big numbers and itll happen, but it didn't. Unless you are at least 9/10 women simply wont approach you, and if you dont do it (i dont), you are fucked.
And of course you have to know how to talk the talk, you need some wit, need to be able to flirt. I had a hansful of dates but I'm not either of those things so they just withered out without it going into any romantic direction.
Thus im in my 30s, after well over of decade of self-care, exercise, financial stability, hobbies and finding my style, I do think I stand out of the avg mass of males. But I'm not classically hot, I'm okay I guess, at least im not balding and have no deformities, but thats about it.
I really don't see the way out unless I hit the lottery and some determines girl pocks me up and will bear with my inexperienced ass, but lmao that will never happen.