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Okayu DKC stuff, though there weren't that many topics today.
>Okayu note
Okayu whips out a guide for collecting all the coins because it'll take forever otherwise. Unfortunately, the guide she chose is a little vague at parts. Chat helps out where it can, but that makes it more confusing at times. It ends up being pretty funny.
>BGM love
Okayu already loved the music from these games, but she feels actually playing them has made that love even deeper. Now she remembers the levels when she hears the track, and thinks about how it might have been difficult or not.
>Coin endurance
Okayu's not stopping until she's gotten every DK and Kremkoin. She slept extra just to make sure she'd be able to go all the way. She got up for a bit around noon to take care of some quick things, but didn't truly wake up until 6PM. It takes her about 6 hours to get everything, but she says she was prepared to take around 10 if necessary.
>Today's meal
Something special: a banana tree. Everybody take care of it and you'll have bananas forever. Okayu thinks raising one in a jail cell might be tough, but it'll give it a jungle vibe too.
>Lost World
Okayu's heard a lot of people talk about how hard it is, and that's made her very excited. Okayu thinks it will take a long time, so she's not sure if she can do it in one. She thinks splitting it in two might be the right way. Chat tells her there aren't that many levels though, so she might just have to get a feel for it as she's playing.
>Golden Kamuy
Okayu's been rewatching it already, also reading the manga. The scene with Inkarmat and Tankigaki still made her sweat. She likes all the things in the manga that were excluded from the anime. She thinks the art style is really nice and that it and the anime look just like each other; it's really faithful. The series keeps hurting her heart though. She loves all the characters and wants them to be enjoying easy days together, eating delicious food, working, doing their laundry in the warm sun, but she thinks that happiness she wants for them might not be the one they want for themselves. She feels that happiness has a different shape to each and every one of them.
>Early frames
Okayu realized she hasn't been able to put up weekly schedules lately, so she's been trying to put up frames for the stream in the morning so that people aren't left wondering about what time the stream is at. She's not sure if tomorrow will be DK or not though(frame for DK went up almost immediately after the stream).
Okayu's excited to start using all the tissue/toilet paper that was sent to her as a gift. She doesn't go through tissues that fast since she doesn't really have any allergies though, so she expects it to take her around 3 years to get through everything. She does concede that she might use a lot if she gets sick or if she's crying while watching anime.
On a different note, I had to private the pastebin for the moment because they seem to have updated their smartfilters and I can't find out what stupid shit is suddenly getting picked up that wasn't before. It'd be really nice if they could show me what they think needs to be filtered.