>>69749625Kotoka was WAY too eager to throw Zaion under the bus, so she's definitely sus. Tho it was probably to bend the knee to whatever internal EN politics were at the time. The only reason Kotoka and Meloco joined EN and not JP is because the JP market is extremely over-saturated, and applications to join any JP company are a fucking mountain tall. So it's either learn english and join EN, or your dreams of being a semi-relevant vtuber are out the window. And joining EN means EN politics.
Meloco however I'm not sure about. I've read posts that she avoids Elira like the fucking plague and tries to attach herself to the JP side however she can. Maybe for protection if she didn't want to bend the knee to whatever internal bullshit was going on in the EN branch. These are, however, just rumors, hints and speculations so take everything with a bucket of salt.
Maybe they're both on the chopping block, maybe they're both safe, or just one of them, we don't know. But the shit surrounding them, once again, adds to the gigantic pile of 'hints' that paint an increasingly clear picture of NijiENs internal structure. This isn't the first time that "the infamous hacker known as the exploding yellow van" was completely right about rrats.