Quoted By:
I've only slept a couple of hours over the past two days. I attempt to write regardless!
Luxiem and vomiting around others!
Handles it relatively elegantly for someone who is sick with little warning. His eyes widen as his stomach does the warning lurch, and he knows he has approximately 10 seconds to not vomit on his friends' shoes. Quickly says "excuse me", does a 180 on the spot, and throws up onto the pavement in a way that you could almost call graceful. One might be fooled into believing it was planned if he didn't apologize sincerely for the unpleasant sight afterwards. Not embarrassed at all - how could he have predicted or prevented that? - but does go home immediately afterwards to rest, realising that he's not well enough to be out.
Gets a sickness bug, but tries to soldier on regardless, continuing to stream and call with friends. When one friend realizes how sick he actually is and goes around to drop off some groceries, a kindhearted gesture for a suffering loved one, he greets them at the door visibly grey and exhausted. He throws up on the doorstep and all over his bare feet while trying to assure them that he really isn't feeling so bad. It runs down the steps, his friend having to dodge it in a swift movement, visible to the entire street. His embarrassment is blunted by sheer exhaustion, and after this he gives in and lets himself be taken care of. Will apologise repeatedly for this once he's better and be unable to look them in the eye for a while.
At a social gathering when it happens - they've all been drinking, the mood is light and joyous, and another round is just being served. He can feel the nausea ramping up, but his decision making is addled by the alcohol and he's worried about ruining the mood. After all, he's having such a nice time, and he's sure he isn't actually going to throw up, he's been drinking enough times before to know himself... Once he realizes he actually is going to, it's too late. He sits rock still with both of his hands over his mouth, hoping that if he stays still enough the feeling will pass, but all this does is attract attention from the group. Right as one of his friends is asking if he's okay, he throws up through his fingers, covering his lap and dripping onto the floor. So embarrassed he could cry, but tries not to, sitting silently as his cheeks burn deeper and deeper red. He never thought this would happen to him.
Like Shu, he doesn't think he actually would, but it creeps up on him all at once. He's walking home from a night out with friends in the early morning snow, spirits are high and the conversation is flowing. He's not even that drunk, but alcohol can be harsh on an empty stomach. Right as he's laughing along a little too hard to a joke, he realizes some of that giddy lightheadedness is not the atmosphere but rather his physical condition; mid-sentence as he replies to them, he throws up suddenly, cupping his mouth in a panic to no avail. It makes more of a mess than if he hadn't, vomit dripping out around the sides of his hand and through his fingers. Stands there eyes wide for a moment, before finally accepting defeat with a groan and removing his hand, letting the vomit he's cupped fall to the floor with an inelegant splatter. The freezing weather makes his soiled hand steam, bringing undue attention to it. Tries not to show how embarrassed he is, but even his ears are burning. Closes his eyes and lets out the longest string of expletives anyone might have ever said, then splits off from the group to make his way home faster.
The reason is almost surely a vast overeating of ice-cream at an amusement park, but his reaction will change vastly depending on his mood. If he's particularly peppy, it'll be brushed off with a slightly embarrassed laugh at the artificial pink vomit now on the asphalt, a simple "oh, whoops!" before he carries on with his day... But if he's already tired and it's getting late, it'll be met with a much more defeated "oh, man," and a sigh, his cheeks going red. Scratches his neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact, and mutters that he should probably go back to the hotel. Totally over it by the next hour regardless, though...