>>45126792Ok I finally understood what you were trying to say.
Basically, Anycolor calculates a "Yearly income projection" every quarter to show the stockholders and tell them "hey, we're projecting that our company will grow this much by the end of this year".
The last projection was in December, and if their predictions remained the same after seeing their revenue this quarter, then next (and last) Quarter growth would only be around 3.1Bn Yen, half of Q4.
Naturally this wouldn't do, since this Quarter had EXCEPTIONAL earnings, so they would have to increase the projections using the profits from this Quarter as a basis.
Thing is, even WITH the revised projections, they are only expecting a minimum of 5.6B income in the next Quarter, a reduction of 1.8B compared to the current Q. It would also be the lowest earning Quarter in the current Financial Year.
That's WEIRD. You don't put out numbers that would be lower than every other quarter of the Year. Anycolor doesn't "undersell" their stock, they have zero incentive to do that. ESPECIALLY when their stock value is in freefall. Even during last Quarter's (Q2) report, when they barely got barely 0.11B more than Q1, they STILL increased their financial forecast from 21B to 22.5B (not really wise, but considering this Q revenue, perhaps it paid off?). I also noticed that they had a "Progress towards Revenue Projection goal" column in their Q2 Report, but it has been removed for Q3. They had a huge uptick in revenue this Quarter, so they should have had no problem showing the "% to completion" statistic, but they removed it. Why? Do they not think they can reach their projected goals and want to obscure that fact?
The only thing that would make sense with the facts as it is... is that this is an OPTIMISTIC projection from Anycolor. And if it is... their actual revenue for Q4 may be closer to their December estimate than the current one. That... would be their lowest earning Quarter since Q2 2022 (i.e. Aug-Oct 2021). The stock... idk if it could survive that. But then again, this IS technically only a minimum expectation... they could still get more than the expected revenue. From... somewhere.
Either way, they've rolled the dice with their revenue predictions, and their stockholders (and the public) will be able to see if they've lived up to their promises in the Q4 report.
I suspect the actual result will be somewhere in the middle of both predictions, perhaps ~4.2Bn or so. I hope the higher ups have something to convince their investors that this is normal.