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I enjoyed watching Sonny's Crowtel Renovations stream today! I'm not too familiar with this particular game, but this kind of single-dev indie game made me strangely nostalgic - and it's definitely not something I'd expect to be streamed! Props to Sonny for always finding something interesting to put on his schedule. I grew up playing weird, depressing indie games on Kongregate. Now that's the ultimate nostalgia trip.
I've noticed that Sonny tends to play up the 'cutesy' factor for more 'cutesy' games like this one. That's not the most reliable predictor, of course; I thought Kill It with Fire was going to be cutesy, too, and that went off the rails fast. I tend to be less interested in these streams since the commentary just devolves into repetitive cute noises, but it's clearly something his audience loves and it's not like I mind too much, either - it just ends up being background noise to me. I did enjoy his occasional breaks into complaining about game mechanics or bugs, and I hope the game reviews at the end of each game become a recurring thing.
It was just a cute and wholesome stream all around. Very little substance, but enjoyable nonetheless. I think it's funny how many different thank you intonations he's gone through in just this superchat reading alone, too.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Thanks, also, to all the people who talked about the streams last week. I've got quite the VOD backlog, but it's been really helpful for figuring out what I want to watch and what I'll skip.