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Vitubian Sexual Psychology: The Daughter Wife
While many cultures have taboos and laws against the practice of underage and incestual relations, there is a culturally significant movement which has remained exempt from many of these laws in countries which view them with the utmost disdain, that being the Daughter Wife.
The relationship of the daughter wife to the father husband is one that is not explicitly always romantic and not explicitly entirely plationic, having different variations but similar varieties and commonalities which make it consistent to pick out despite its relation to deviant behavioral patterns. A daughter wife will generally be a younger female who may or may not be related to an older male or female who takes the role of "parent"
I had started to type this out some time ago but it, like many many docs, just kinda went unnamed so i guess I'll throw what little I did write out. Would be interesting to see the general consensus on cunny through a national perspective.