>>1315273>Because you and other assmad /jp/faggots like you keep shitting on her for revealing your super secret /hlg/ thread on streamActual schizophrenia, jesus fuck. Not everyone who hates Kiara is a /jp/fag. She gives plenty of reasons to hate her by herself:
>massive numberfag>Anya-tier game selection>lack of filter leads to her insulting other Holos, even if inadvertently>shills her songs way harder than Mori does, despite all of them being way worse than even the ironic-weebshit rap Mori did during her debut, and this is bad because:>she has the most annoying voice in all of Hololive, and it's not even her real voice, so she has no excuse not to just turn it offI don't even think she's that bad of a person. But she's not likable enough for you to just sum up all of her haters as some imaginary boogeyman