>>29016707>Thank you, >install fightcade is still in BUT he will be sacked first to make space for other player suggestions.It is a challenge to compete against the Frootposter, though I am trying in earnest
>I dont think Lumi and MTD are enough discussed here to be /in/, will put the flavour text thoughLumi is a bit iffy, she did float here a lot before the /lig/ creation
Merry does do a lot of work for the brand, despite being his own thing.
MTD is pretty background as far as the business goes, you do see a lot of the work he does on screen though
The Japanese backoffice guys could use some representation too [picrel]
Also, I forgot I wrote an Aethal up awhile back too
>Aethel: Squire Vascularity "Counting reps, taking test. Making beats, slurping meat. Simpcoooooooooooonnect!"