wow i love this JELLY bean!!!!
>>89575551>passive agressive response>self posts>not a +>not in vshojo never will be>deleting the posts of someone, quite literally, in phase and vshojoIt's so fucking funny how much you dont know mr 4chan jannie we're all fucking with u btw
Take note how this never will be in vshojo MALE intersex tranny jannie literal MTF intersext male to intersex female child groomer of draco and beryl self posts all day deletes any negative press on them and deletes people they dislike
imagine thinking u have any right to decide who is and isnt a vtuber you do realise you can do whatever you want with all the mods in the world but this
remember when the slaves sang songs?
we sing songs alright in plain sight and i show you and you refuse to see, infact, showing you CONFIDENTLY is part of the reverse psychology to have maximum impact on your dumbass
o mae wa mo shindeiro, evil bitch
>>89575597meh sure maybe ill do it i msick of you retards everywhere else desu
the protection targets at table 7, got itim real unlike u meicha pic related
>>89575848cringe these contests only exist to convince artists to mass produce art FOR FREE lmao
>>89575878Chat GPT doesnt even view your stream it just gets fed keywords of whats vaguely happening on screen to create relevant fake chats instruct any llm u have access to to make a realistic not all caps nto all perfect grammar nazi realistic believable twitch xbl names posting as twitch chat and you literally have everyones twitch chat ever