>>20016447Sure. Here you go!
Luxiem boys and pissing themselves on stream! Plus Enna for cannibalism writer. <3
>VoxGets drunk while doing asmr, doesn't realize quite how badly he needs to piss until he's about to burst. Is excusing himself when it happens. Even though his binaural mic picks it up as it splashes on the wooden floor, he pretends not to know what the noise is - "I don't know, chat, I can't hear anything over here. Let me look at my mic settings when I come back." Cleans up, gives himself a few minutes to stare at himself in the mirror and contemplate how he got to this point, and returns to stream pretending like nothing happened. Never tells a soul.
>MystaBecomes too involved while playing a competitive game against fans, like Mario Kart. Keeps telling himself one more round to prove himself, whining to chat occasionally about needing to pee and squirming in his chair. When he can't hold it anymore and starts pissing himself, he very quickly mutes himself and goes afk to try and damage control the situation, but by that point it's too late. Immediately humiliated. If he's in a particularly good mood, he'll tell chat impulsively and then spend the next hour trying to downplay it; if he's in any other mood, he won't say anything about it publicly but seek comfort in a friend (possibly Shu or Nina) later.
>ShuGets particularly frightened during a horror game, while trying to find a point to save at so he can go afk. He doesn't even need it that badly, but when something catches him particularly off guard after a long period of high tension his fear response takes over. Sits there eyes wide as he realizes what's happening, somewhat clocked out from reality. Snaps back into it once chat is full of concerned messages, assuring them everything is fine and he just got distracted with a nervous laugh. Stays put for a little while to clear the section, paranoid that somehow people would know he's pissed himself. Takes a 15 minute break afterwards to "get some food", but actually just takes a quick shower and changes clothes. His cheeks have never been so red. Would take it to his grave.
>IkeIt would have to be an extremely unfortunate series of events for Ike to end up in this situation, a mixture of too much soda and social pressure in a fast-paced game being the most likely... Although even then, it would be difficult for Ike to end up in a situation where he feels he can't voice his need for a break. On the off chance he does end up in that sort of mess, he would do an extremely good job of not showing any discomfort on stream. The closest you might get to knowing anything is going on is a whispered swearword in Swedish, maybe a brief moment of his mouth being open, as he grips his crotch to no avail. Brushes any concern from his collab mates off if they notice, and quickly but politely excuses himself in his usual soft tone. Highly embarrassed, but also oddly cross at both himself and the world. Would replace the chair even if it was easily cleaned, just because looking at it makes him cringe afterwards.
>LucaWould essentially narrate the entire situation as it unfolds. Unwilling to leave VR Chat as he tours around worlds, to the point where chat becomes concerned because he's voicing his need to piss the entire time. "But I'm having fun!" and "I'm fine, chat, I'm fine!" would be said repeatedly. Would eventually become so desperate that laughing particularly hard at a stupid joke would cause him to lose control. Would make chat aware as it happens - "augh, chat, I'm peeing! I'm peeing! Oh no! Augh!" - and plenty of helpless laughter. He'd call it gross and embarrassing light-heartedly, take a break to clean up, and when he returns he's already mostly forgotten about it. Would think it's funny more than anything.
Bonus: Enna
Streaming something extremely chilled out and low energy when it happens, like geoguesser. There's genuinely no excuse, she's just unwilling to move and drinking a lot of fluids. Eventually she just gives up holding and lets herself piss, not even shifting her position so it gets all over her legs and puddles on the floor. Mutters "aw, shit," as it happens, but keeps playing. Tells chat what happens, but somehow finds a way to not only blame them for it but also make them feel personally responsible... Even though it was entirely her fault. Calls the situation nasty, but only stops sitting in her own piss to clean up when chat starts becoming insufferable about pointing it out.