Quoted By:
Mizryu Kei
>Simps hardcore for Marine for months
>Gets to do the Marine chapter of the manga for HoloALT
>Sees the HoloALT trailer blowing the fuck up
>Demands more money and royalties
>Cover says no because they have a contract already and Mizuryu should've done due diligence in valuing his stake in the project.
>Starts rallying chinks against Cover claiming he was wronged on Billibilli
>Kagainikki dig up a 2hu doujin he did where he implied that Nanking is an "illusion of humanity", which is enough to lose him bugmen support because Bugmen.
>Meltdown on Twitter then self-nukes everything, including his r-18 Hololive content.
Holo Bass
>Makes free content with samples from Hololive
>Community basically browbeats him into putting it on streaming services
>Cover swoops in and silently disables all but one of the tracks with no explanation given to Holo Bass.
>Cover refuses to respond to any contact from Holo Bass trying to negotiate
>Holo Bass has a meltdown on Twitter and deletes everything off of his YT channel after vageuly threatening to copystrike a charity stream with $150k+ on the line if he could claim copyright the charity would be forced to give most, if not all, of that money to him, even if only temporarily, although it is entangled a bit thanks to multiple entities being involved. At best the money would still go in limbo until conflict is resolved.
I don't think Holo Bass is as bad as Kei by a long shot. This was a mutual issue: Cover should've contacted Holo Bass (which they have for others) and Holo Bass shouldn't have sperged out in public.
As far as Yabs go, I give this one a C grade: An important lesson for everybody, but not anything worth losing sleep over.