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If you're wondering what's on her skirt: It's the transition amplitude from one state to another in the path integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics (in Minkowski time), with the Einstein-Hilbert action from General Relativity in the exp() function, sqrt(-g) is basically the normalization of the volume element to the curvature of spacetime (the Jacobian), R is the Ricci scalar which comes from the Riemann curvature tensor, the next part is a heavily abbreviated version of the Standard Model Lagrangian, the F^2 part describes the interactions of bosons like photons, gluons and the weak force, the ΨγDΨ part describes the interaction of matter particles (fermions) with the fundamental forces, the Ψ is the wave function of the fermions, the γ a Dirac gamma matrix, the D a gauge covariant derivative that contains the interactions, the ΨLVΦΨ gives the interaction of the fermions with the Higgs field, which produces their masses, the V contains the masses of the particles which aren't predicted by the theory, but once the Higgs mass is known, the masses predict the couplings to the Higgs field, which fit the data, the L and R mean transforming according to left and right handed representation of the Poincaré group, because the weak force breaks chiral symmetry for charged particles, Φ is the Higgs field. The "h.c." after that just means hermitian conjugate, which flips the signs of the imaginary numbers and transposes the matrices. |DΦ|^2 describes the interactions of the Higgs field with the massive vector bosons W and Z of the weak force. The V(Φ) is the Mexican hat-shaped Higgs potential, which produces the spontaneous symmetry breaking for the Higgs mechanism.
Nobody would ever write it like that, but it's still cool to look at.