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51:32 right I got to meet overseas members too
51:39 Raora was excited the whole time
51:47 I was like "raora your drawing is amazing!
51:51 Right I met nerissa too
52:08 I asked "U arent doing nopan today right?
52:11 What did she reply again
52:26 No, its not sexual harassment!
52:37 Its just Nerissa is known for nopan!
52:54 Cecilia too, biboo
53:06 Everyone was going "So cute!" to biboo
53:22 I met Gigi too
53:34 I went "Puzzle god Gigi!
54:06 during the autograph session i was like "Im writing this surrounded by beautiful girls!
54:16 I didnt get to meet liz yet
54:35 I wrote autograph for danchom too