>>3717985>>3706625I think this thing can be enjoyed even if in the back of your mind you know it's bullshit or nonsense. Of course it is, but you can't deny how you feel. Even if the back of your mind is yelling at you, that part of you is just there to keep you grounded and prevent you from actually going too far, if that makes sense?
'Cause if you enjoy this kinda GFE thing too much that you start to believe it could happen for real, that's kind of dangerous behaviour.
It just feels like a fine balancing act, if that makes sense. Too much of that "don't enjoy this, it's just bullshit" will make you, well, not enjoy it. You'll feel too guilty. But too much of the "this is completely for real and we're ACTUALLY together" and it starts to affect reality and that can be a bit scary or sad. Does this make sense?
>Escapism isn't healthy, but I'll be damned if isn't fun as hell.Well said.
I remind myself it's just a fantasy. My oshi represents the kinda person I'd be really into if I met someone like that for real. She just kinda ticks all the boxes for me. I have that voice in the back of my mind, albeit it's not just for this, it's for anything I enjoy. But I also try to say "of course I know this, shut up, let me just enjoy something for once". I indulge in the fantasy, and I've been able to smile a lot more and enjoy these streams even more.