General - Death (U)
Health - 6 of Pentacles (R)
Work - Knight of Cups (U)
Luck - Death (R)
Advice - King of Pentacles (U)
>2025 is a year of new beginnings for Polka. She can probably expect a lot of changes, and perhaps we'll see a new Polka this year.>Polka's fortune regarding her health warns her against being excessively concerned about her health. Monitoring it too much may cause her problems. >Polka can improve her luck if she focuses on doing things in a new way.>Mio's advice to Polka is to do things at her own pace, and aim for success. While she shouldn't stress over things, she should also be proactive and not just accept "whatever will be will be," she can take control. Also, she should manage her money carefully.***Mio forgot to do Polka's work fortune.