Realistic Boob Physics for a SFW OP Edition
Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.
Once again this is where a summary of recent events would go, but things have been unusually dry for the group as of late. Hime is off at her grandmother's wedding, Froot and Vei are as inconsistent as ever, while the pink cat is in the middle of moving so she hasn't done a single stream for two weeks. Making matters worse, our most consistent streamer has fallen ill, and tweeted a voice clip yesterday where she sounded pretty rough. While she's been in bad situations before and will almost certainly make it through just fine, it only makes the likelihood of a Mouse stream even lower. That leaves us with the unlikely trio of Mel, Zen, and Silver to carry the entire group on their shoulders. Well, them and the +'s, with Layna pulling the most consistency out of the group with her frequent streams, while Snuffy and Haruka are both Vei-tier streamers in regards to consistency. So things aren't looking good in terms of things to actually watch as all the stars have aligned to leave us with little more than scraps for the time being, but hopefully this is all just the calm before the storm. A new golden age when Nyan finishes moving, Hime's wedding plans end, Froot gets her new ASMR mic, Mouse finishes moving and gets better, and Vei slips out of her depression.
Or maybe this is just how things are now! Regardless, few streams does not mean no streams, and Zen's always been a close second for Mouse in terms of stream consistency and has kept that up in these dark times. Which is great since that new model is really good. Silver may only do 2-3 streams a week, but they're usually pretty solid if you're into artsy and emotional games like she is, and she had Finana on stream yesterday as a special guest judge for an FF14 fashion show! It even ended in an extra cute way when Silver gushed about how much she loved that stinky Feesh and she even did a pseudo raid on her stream afterward. And if you're into the lewd side of things Mel was live on CB earlier today doing her thing as normal.
So hopefully these dark times just won't last and we'll be back at full potential soon. Then we'll get more pink rat + cat streams. More Vei saying the most disgusting thing you've ever heard in your entire life. More Froot gushing about Apex and doing art. More Nyan making everyone realize just how old they are with her outdated references. More Mouse singing and playing games poorly. And most importantly of all, more Hime being the absolute greatest vtuber ever in the life. But until those days come make sure to do what you can to keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.
VShojo is:
Froot - - - - - - - -
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