>>78946488Liz: Great talents, but I don't think our tastes will ever matchup unless she goes full shuba and delves into everything she missed before holo. I'll probably listen to some karaoke's of her
Gigi: I wasn't super impressed but it's nothing personal, her style of streaming just doesn't appeal to me and that's ok.
Raora: I'm getting hard filtered by the accent not because it bothers me, but because my small burger brain has a hard time understanding it at times. She seems nice and funny, if I could understand her.
Cecilia: This is my current hyper fixation, outside of nepolabo the EN tuber I watch the most is fauna, and she has the same energy as fauna, and further she has almost perfect stream times for me to put on while at work in the chill parts of the morning for me. I do have a slight concern on how it will work out if she goes decently long she could run into ohapol, but I'll cross that bridge when we get there.
I strive to embody the ideals of our oshi and be a unity fag, so they are all great.