>>16692872Thanks for summing up the opinions again.
I go with what
>>16693302 said except that I would start with /council/ regardless of what /inf/ and /who/ do. I don't think, that /who/ and /inf/ give up their independence, but that's completely fine. /holox/ is very balanced between its members. Bakatare was introduced a while ago but /fbk/ rejected to merge yet still visiting and posting occasionally there.
/council/ cannot take anyone's independent thread as long as there are people who create threads. If not /council/ can become their home.
Idk how bad the bumping situation at /nasa/ is. /rat/ usually has people watching and we survived the last shitposting wave. It's a bit annoying to fight for the thread's existence, but this is the cost of independence.
So in summary: no right now, maybe later.