I'm finally back. It sucks that we lost though. At least /mogu/ won.
Also the Kanata lora message just appeared before the match,
>>44908456>As for my account I'll try to resort to picking best possible gens putting them into single/small batches. Don't want to spam 50 pics per page.That's what I do and I've found it's been quite succesful.
>Agreed, it's definitely the place for AI art + glad they added an option to hide it outright. I was also thinking posting some results on twitter to tag holo art tags but I feel downright scummy doing that, so I'll try not to.Same, I think it's best to avoid twitter for the time being.
>Good luck. I'd personally suggest just doing your own stuff instead of commissions cause you're 100% going to get people who request something you dislike be it X character or Y setting. Like fatfags or hyperrealism, rape gangbangs or whatever the shitI did some more research and apparently there's a difference between "requests" and "comissions" on pixiv. Requests are more like suggestions and you have the option to reject them and refund the person their money if you don't like the request so I think that's what I'll do. Plus when you enable requests all your followers get a notifacation,
which works for me since I have 8k now.>Also FYI I posted the prompts on pixiv, check them out if you want.Already did <3