>>39839708in myt opinion, it's about time Rosemi starts doing her own thing at this point
the new wave doesn't even consider the first 3 gens as family
none of the new wavemates have even talked about Lazulight or Obsydia, there's zero sense of "family" among them
Why should Rosemi avoid overlappy with a fucking ILUNA member when she's the senpai and should be treated with seniority?
Imagine fucking Mito saying she won't stream because it's Oliver's birthday, that shit aint happening in JP
Rosemi should really start focusing more on her channel, her fans, and her own identity at this point, no other EN member will treat her the way Lazulight treated her, and the more waves that come out the more isolated Rosemi will be while the new kids start cannibalizing the older gens audience