>>73599225>I'm wrongNope - (You) are wrong. Sorry to rain on your parade, but blatantly botted CCV numbers aren't a good metric for popularity (look it up in the archive, because I'm sure you're a retarded newfag tourist who doesn't know what I'm referring to), and even if they weren't botted, you have no evidence whatsoever that they are a *better* metric than subscriber counts
>Open up any of Gura's streams at least 1 year after debut and she was forcing her voice to be higherNo, she wasn't. I listen to her early Minecraft streams from her playlist every now and then when I sleep, and there is no faking. Get your ears checked
>She only relaxed it at about 2 years inWrong, again. There is hardly any change, no matter how you spin it
>Sounds like you're the deaf one AND have memory loss.The deaf, low-IQ retard who watches neither streams, NOR understands that it's extremely easy to reference VODs, doesn't realize how deaf and fucking stupid he is and mistakes those who are correcting him for being actually wrong. Classic Dunning-Kreuger on display
>I watched streams since she played the first OutlastThen you have even less of an excuse to say something that is so easily disproven
>I think I know what I'm talking aboutBecause you're an idiot
>Gura's humor is and was the exact same as Bijou's, except even more vulgar.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Now THAT is some vulgar humor right there