>>62689924This, it's 100% just more tranny carpetbagging because we won't fuck them. Guys, stop, we're like fucking 40 now, the horny level is genuinely starting to decrease, we literally had this fight until people started going over the hill, it doesn't have a resolution, you die alone and angry realizing the people who made out good were the ones who built a temporary political empire upon making you sterile. All the while using the very self-same "white maleness" to push the process along; "you're an arrogant fuck so you'll fall for this", all to the refrain of the immasculine and sensitive male generation you guys spent almost a century engineering being flatly ignored because they showed up 10-15 years too late to be politically useful. All that bisphenol alpha used to turn me into an "egg" wasted because the wrongly predicted that they would have to placate us for another generation or two. Hell they didn't even hire a new interior designer, apparently I have my grandfather's value set because it would cost too much to change the decor of your fake revolution.
Not even the first hobby this same group has followed us to, only bronies actually resisted and I wouldn't call it resistance so much as nobody actually wants to conquer beautiful, rocky Stroggos for themselves. Nasty bleeding cyborgs chilling out by toxin pools full of horse butthole pictures didn't exactly rate high on the "want it" meter so we crushed the tiny invasions they sent. Can't do that here, too much pussy involved, but that does beg the question as to why multiple discord calls full of poorly adjusted white guys in panties who arguably founded this culture when they were younger are even interested in here. The answer is not the vtubers, it's you, it's what you're doing instead of them. They're female now, get it? That part of it did take. Oxytocin is pure evil.