>>55099310No, it isn't. It's one of the worst things, and you degenerate yurifaggots ruin the girls for guys like me who want them to be 100% straight, since why would I ever want them to be lesbians when that literally doesn't benefit me in any way and actively serves as a detriment to me? That would just be moronic and idiotic to want that.
Also, I get that a lot of you want them to be filthy dykes as a defense mechanism because the thought of them having a boyfriend completely shatters your fragile minds, but how is that any better? In both situtations, you completely lose out... Also, them being straight is objectively the better fantasy, because even though there's a only a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that you would ever be with any of them, at least there even is a chance, no matter how miniscule. If they're carpet munchers, there's a 0% chance of you ever being with them. Therefore, you should want them to be straight, as it's the only correct choice and any other option is shit.
>>55099984Not him, but it's just a really retarded fantasy to have, because you're not involved in it in any way. Like, what kind of a moron has a fantasy and doesn't self-insert? Are you retarded or something?