>>59434246>they will get the awful puppeteer corporate artworkpuppeteer hasn't worked for vshojo for like 6 months
>they will get the squeaky art model and iron vertex riggingI don't even know what this is supposed to mean. KevinX is the new hotshit that everyone is using now. Mouse also uses 2wintails a lot.
>they will shill the talent freedomYes
>they will always be on twitchGeega and Kson both use youtube as well.
>they will get the awful same face artgun 3D modelYoolie makes most of their 3D Models and has been for years
>they will collab with orbiters like snuffyyes
>they will date the male flesh tubersyes, muhammad, they will. You'll have to get your 69 virgins elsewhere
>they will obsessively change their modelsMouse will
>they will become lewdtubers in order to fit inI dunno about this one, chief
>they will hate the evil wizard gamenot sure about this one either. scraping the barrel now
>they will trash talk other vtubers and not be reprimanded for itI think you're just making stuff up now
>they will work with and donate to bad charitiesImmune Defiency Foundation is pretty legit
>they will cause drama and get away with it because they are part of vshojoI dunno, define drama? Is it pissing off /vt/?
>when you find a new oshi, they too will eventually do the same as the aboveYeah they'll probably join.