>>47911376Normally, getting into a mecha is presented as an exciting and fun thing for the recruit, but here the phrasing clearly implies this machine has a more dangerous side, even for the pilot. Makes me wonder if those machines have negative connotation even for the public, or this is just the pilot having some sharp intuition?
>catheter portCool detail! So the ichorite is spread through the user's blood. Injection through a port and funky blood color shenanigans, kinda reminds me of the G-force tolerance drug from The Expanse, though the effects are clearly more complex here (Seems like there's a psychological component?). I think I'm seeing how the relation between the pilot and the assistant AI is done, should be interesting. Both mecha control systems in the setting so far seem to rely on some kind of pilot-machine relationship, but expressed very differently, the /vnug/ AI is quite forward. This is a beloved trope with good reason, lets you explore the pilot's mind in the solitary confines of the cockpit.
I disproportionately love that >dozens of invisible bodies were piling on top of him> tells the reader that the robot is accelerating at above 20Gs without using any technical linguo kek.
guess I'll go watch the latest ep of GWitch now