>>24301902>general consensusYou can tell this is a woman because they care about consensus building.
Why do people in /asp/ always create fictional scenarios and shit? It was like an even split between platitudes of him looking okay, with the other half deciding he facetuned the shape of his face.
That's half of people disagreeing with your fantasy already, and the other half simply won't escape their delusions until much later. Do people also not understand how makeup and skin filters work either? The male equivalent of this is looking at every instagram thot blob face and thinking 'they look cute,' which if you want to objective I think squares that all away pretty neatly. After all, how can you know the uncertain?
It's reassuring in a strange way to see that even females can be as blob-face blind to guys as your average guy is to anything with a hole.
>inb4>THINK News in pic rel.It's NBC News actually.