I'm going to give you the punishment all of you deserve. Look forward to it.
Anonymous No.25920920 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I'm serious. It's bad enough that the mods let her stay when she clearly stands out.
She doesn't beleng here. You deranged cucks don't either. Yall belong in an asylum, locked up as mental patients for happily drowning yourself in her boyfriends cum.
I'm tired of seeing it despite being generous and leaving your general after a while but you crossed a line recently.
Just know that whatever happens to your little cuckshed, you earned it. You schizophrenic freaks of nature say meds can't help you, so clewrly you need to be but down instead and I'm going to make sure you know what you deserve.
People like you deserve to feel the kind of pain you deserve. You chose this. You chose to be mentally ill cucks. So now it's time somebody makes the choice for you, because you're incapable of making the right one. Enjoy your remaining time left.
And to the few there that aren't as deluded, I know you exist. It doesn't matter. You've said nothing despite every other person there hoisting expectations on woman as a gender and allowing rampant entitlement, as well as narrative shifting about her issue.
I've had enough. If you denounce all of your disgusting peers no, I'll spare you, but don't expect mercy after the plan is in motion. I have none for you.