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Because of Pippa desperation for relevancy she had to pander to the dying internet troll, Jim...
And thanks to this shitty far right IBS losers like Flamenco and Gator Gamer are trying to grift from /vt/ as the shitties drama channels around. Legal Mindset is also to blame as he keeps promoting Gator Gamer.
But to make things even worse, now the absolute bottom of that barrel Ethan the Gunt Ralph is shitting all over unrelated chuubas...
Hey Pippa, I get you are not exactly a decent person but you could have just grow organically instead of going after human filth to increase your following... Was it necessary to dedicate a stream about The Gunt beating in Portugal just to please Jim? Well here are the fucking concequences.
And this can only get worse, what is next, meth degenerate Nick Rickieta will go after another random chuuba? Yeah, you also happened to deal with that human garbage, not to mention fucking Vaush.