>>72855332This is a fucking video... to some fat FUCK on Twitch named Camila. Now, I'm tired of this fat FUCK popping up in all of my fucking search engines when I'm looking for a FUCKING Neuro vod! I don't give a FUCK about the aftermath of ANY of you Camila fans that feel sorry for this greasy fuck! You fat fucking disgusting:
Cabbage-Patch Face having
Dr. Robotnik looking
WingStop eating
McDonalds gorging
T-Rex arm having
Non-vegetable eating
Cook with a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray
Wide load
Hungry-Hungry Hippo
Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem
Whale slash Free Willy
Part bus
**blows up cheeks then exhales** Kirby
Salad dodger
Chair crusher
Butter ball
Go to subway but put everything on it
Michelin Man
Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker!
I know there's gonna be a lot of people out there calling me a bully, well guess what? I'm not! I just don't feel sorry for fat fucking people, especially fat fucks who sit there all day, gorge and eat, and make money for absolutely nothing! While a bunch of sorry fucks like yourself play into it! **does pull-ups** You don't like what the fuck I'm saying? Then FUCK YOU!