>>40238321Ah! That's important. Individuals can name ships what they want, but sometimes there are trends, especially for ships that belong to the government. America names some of them after politicians or generals, England uses adjectives (like Indomitable), Infinity uses Kronie puns, Moriji uses really chuuni, edgy phrases. You should try to figure out what feeling your ships should get across to other people. Badass? Reliable? Fast? Motherly? Patriotic?
Oh, and you should have a prefix. Like HMS Redoubtable, USS Ford, MMS Black Wind, MCS Overtime. HMS is "Her Majesty's Ship", USS is "United States Ship", MMS is "My Mori's Ship", MCS is "Miyatsuko-Chronobanks Ship". So you'll want some kinda code like that to put before your ship name, so people know it's a Hagu ship right away. Something like AHS (A Hag's Ship) kek (just an example, you can probably find something better).
Those are just common setups, you can also come up with your own whole system, obviously.