Just woke up and, wow, I'm glad the reception to PB has been so positive. Thank you all.
>>36025849>AUI absolutely had that in the cards as a later chapter idea. And, yeah, the dice were actually pretty crazy this time around. Sequence breaking stuff like that is always fun.>>36033015>>36034980I will say that my original post was incorrect with regards to what was supposed to happen to Noel; even if she was flat out iced in the escape, thanks to necromancers within the Castle she *would* have been a recurring character hellbent on getting (You) - her current 'favorite toy' - back. But, it's okay. She's still with you, now, isn't she? Bibi certainly seems to think someone inside is struggling...On the topic of Bibi's speech, it's just meant to be cute on a surface level, almost childish. Bibi's appearance and manner of speech are intentionally disarming - as they've spoken clearly and usually far more menacingly within the same story. They're cute, though, so they can't be up to no good, right?...Right?>>36022223>>36027925>>36020215>>36031996>>36029636>>36051174Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
>>36043888Weird. I'll fix it when I'm home and get the rest of the archive up to speed. Thanks.