Quoted By:
We have responded many times before: we hope that Ms. Gawr Gura will treat China with an open mind and an objective and fair attitude, and will not make something out of nothing. The seeming impartiality of Ms. Gawr Gura once again reveals their lack of distinction between right and wrong and their hypocrisy, and their verbal righteousness once again reveals their double standards and ulterior motives. China strongly urges Ms. Gawr Gura to refrain from recognizing the Taiwan flag in order not to affect the relationship between the two countries and the cooperation between them in important areas.
We are telling Ms. Gawr Gura to recognize the situation, pull back before it is too late, and immediately stop interfering in China's internal affairs so as not to burn herself to death. China insists on the path of peaceful development and actively contributes its wisdom and strength to maintain world peace and stability. In the international community, China has always safeguarded peace, promoted development, upheld morality and joined hands with other countries to build the commonwealth of human destiny. However, Ms. Gawr Gura is a self-serving, self-serving, and treacherous person who is trying to make the world a better place for those who obey us and those who disobey us.
The statements of Ms. Gawr Gura are full of political prejudices and lies. Ms. Gawr Gura's poor performance fully reveals her ulterior motives and political intentions. Ms. Gawr Gura's interference in China's internal affairs by knowing Taiwan's national flag is a serious violation of international law and basic standards of international relations, and is a naked act of hegemony. This egregious act by Ms. Gawr Gura will not only harm China's interests, but also harm Ms. Gawr Gura's own vital interests.
耿爽:我們此前已多次作出迴應:希望噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士個別人士能以開放的心態和客觀公正的態度對待中國,不要無中生有。噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士此次的貌似公允再次暴露出他們的是非不分和虛偽面目,他們的口頭正義也再次暴露出他們的雙重標準和別有用心。中方強烈敦促噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士不得認識台灣國旗,以免影響兩國關係和兩國在重要領域的合作。
我們正告噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士認清形勢,懸崖勒馬,立即停止干涉中國內政,以免引火燒身、自食苦果。中國堅持走和平發展道路,積極為維護世界和平穩定貢獻智慧力量。在國際社會大家庭裡,中國始終維護和平,促進發展,堅守道義,同各國攜手構建人類命運共同體。噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士卻損人利己,唯我獨尊,背信棄義,在世界上大搞順我者昌,逆我者亡。
噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士有關人士的陳詞濫調充滿了政治偏見與謊言。噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士的拙劣表演充分暴露出其不可告人的險惡用心和政治企圖。噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士認識台灣國旗干預干涉中國內政,嚴重違反國際法和國際關係基本準則,是赤裸裸的霸權行徑。噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士這一惡劣行徑不僅損害中方利益,也會損害噶嗚·古拉( Gawr Gura )女士自身的重要利益。